
New GM High Side Service Ports for R-1234YF

We now offer R1234YF High Side Service Ports!

1234YF High Side Port Valve


The new valves are an updated designed for 1234YF systems. We offer many buying options, from packs of 2 up to packs of 25, with a solution for any sizes repair facility! Aftermarket replacement for GM 22748614 / Delco 15-51312 / MT6064

These new high pressure service ports also require a new socket for removal and installation as they are larger than the R-134A high side ports.

1234YF High Side Port Socket




We also offer R-134A High Pressure Service Ports!

R134A High Side Service Port


Our R-134A High & Low pressure service ports all come with service caps installed

R-134A Low Side Service Port




We have a full selection of R-134A & R-1234YF Valve Cores & Caps

A/C Valve Cores & Service Caps

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Dec 25th 2023

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